Company Of Heroes Unlock Code Keygenguru

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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Company of Heroes for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please.
Cheats Unverified. Create a shortcut to the game executable and add a -dev to the target line (for example: 'C:Program FilesTHQ. Whmoc.exe' -dev). Boot the game using that shortcut and press CTRL + SHIFT + tilde key (next to numeric one on US keyboards, it is on the right side for PAL/EURO keyboards) to toggle the developer console. Bmw Fsc Code Keygen For Mac here. It's cheating time!
• See entire Battlefield - FOW_RevealAll • Toggle fog of war - FOW_Toggle • Set game speed (default is 8) - setsimrate • Hide taskbar - taskbar_hide • Show taskbar - taskbar_show • Toggle big head mode - ee_bigheadmode() • Enable statgraph_channel codes - statgraph() • Display frame rate - statgraph_channel('fps') • Quit game - abortgame • Restart game - restart.