Coordinate Converter Borneo Rsoi
This online geographic calculator is useful to convert between Lat/Lon coordinates and Timbalai 1948/Rectified Skewed Orthomorphic Borneo (M) grid coordinates. Residential Lease Rental Agreement California Pdf more. Download Sms 2003 Toolkit V2v. Steps to convert latitude, longitude coordinates to easting, northing coordinates: • Choose the latitude, longitude coordinate format. Latitude and longitude format • Type in or paste the latitude, longitude coordinates in the text box below. Example 1: For DD.DDD,DDD.DDD (comma delimited format) 4.01,114.234 4.1234,115.1234 Example 2: For DD MM SS.SSS DDD MM SS.SSS (tab delimited format) 1 18 21.9 110 15 10.1 1 18 22.9 110 15 10.2 Latitude, Longitude coordinates • Click the Convert to Easting, Northing button below. • Check the results in the Easting, Northing coordinates text box below.
Steps to convert easting, northing coordinates to latitude, longitude coordinates: • Choose the easting, northing coordinates format. Easting, Northing format: • Type in or paste the easting, northing coordinates in the text box below.
Example 1: EEEEEEE,NNNNN.NN (comma delimited) 1226.45 1820.67 Example 2: EEEEE.EE NNNNN.NN (space delimited) 1226.45 1820.67 Easting, Northing coordinates • Click the Convert to Latitude, Longitude button. • Check the results in the Latitude, Longitude text box above.
Projected CRS used in Asia - Brunei and East Malaysia Timbalai 1948 / RSO Borneo (m) is a projected CRS last revised on February 7, 2018 and is suitable for use in Brunei - onshore and offshore; Malaysia - East Malaysia (Sabah; Sarawak) - onshore and offshore. Timbalai 1948 / RSO Borneo (m) uses the Timbalai 1948 geographic 2D CRS as its base CRS and the Rectified Skew Orthomorphic Borneo Grid (metres) (Hotine Oblique Mercator (variant B)) as its projection. Timbalai 1948 / RSO Borneo (m) is a CRS for Exploration and production operations in Brunei. Formerly also large and medium scale topographic mapping and engineering survey. It was defined by information from Defence Geographic Centre. Original projection definition in chains.