Dlc9g Platform Cable Usb Driver
Steve Reich Vermont Counterpoint Pdf Files. Find great deals for Xilinx DLC9G Platform Cable USB Debugger Programmer. Shop with confidence on eBay! USB Cable Installation Guide www.xilinx. Platform Cable USB Frequently Asked. July 28, 2016. Shararat Serial Download Manager. Www.xilinx.com USB Cable Installation Guide UG344 (v2.2) July.

I just started working with FPGAs/CPLDs. Coding and simulation went well and now I wish to program a device. So, I bought the programmer plugged it into the USB port. I di not install any drivers, since the cable drivers were installed during the ISE WebPACK installation process. The message popped up: So, I clicked on it for detailed information: I went to the Device Manager and right-clicked one the Unknown device to update the driver.
Hahnel Powerstation Tc Compact Manual Head. I manually pointed out the path suggested by @Tut in his comment, but it said that the driver was up-to-date (hopefully that was said about the driver for the cable). I decided to take a different route and followed the guide for device configuration. For my Win7 x64 and ISE 14.7 WEBAPCK I downloaded a dirver stated on p.15, Step 5.2 of the guide. After extracting the files and running the install_xusb.bat as administrator, I got the following message from the console window 'cannot run x86 build of this utility on x64 platform': Any one has an idea if this is a defective device, or it's because of the driver issues?