Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc

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ATCsimulator®2 is the premier Air Traffic Control simulation on the market for the PC. ATCsimulator® has been at the forefront of ATC simulation since Feb/2001, and is still going strong. ATCsimulator®2 allows you to immerse yourself in the mysterious world of air traffic control.
This is as close to the real thing as you can get. ATCsimulator®2 doesn't simulate air traffic control in a way we think it should be.ATCsimulator®2 simulates ATC.The Way It Is!
December 21, 2004 - Get a jump start on a career in Air Traffic Control. The FAA will be pushing to hire new controllers to replace those who are now retiring. The FAA desires to utilize simulators to meet the challenge of training new controllers. What better way to get introduced to ATC but through the use of ATCsimulator®2!

Also included with the package is AAC-Academy Approach, the airspace used for training at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center in Oklahoma City, OK. THE official FAA ATC Radar Training Facility. GAME OBJECTIVE ATCsimulator®2 allows you to take on the role as Approach or Departure controller at your choice of over 120 Terminal Radar Approach Control facilities of the United States National Airspace System (NAS), or TRACONs as they are more commonly called.
Your goal is to allow for the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic. It is your job to assist the pilots arriving at airports inside your airspace boundaries by lining them up for an approach (preparing for a landing).
It is also your job to assist pilots departing your airspace by handing them over to the Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) controller at the appropriate time or fix location. EQUIPMENT ATCsimulator®2 was modeled after the ARTS-IIIa radar equipment used at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center(MMAC) in Oklahoma City, Radar Training Facility. All of the dials and switches are simulated with photorealistic quality, and perform all of the functions of their real-life counterpart.
Whenever possible, the keyboard functions of the ARTS-IIIa terminal are accessed in the same manner as in real life. There are no fancy shortcuts or Windows GUI interfaces (that do not exist on real ARTS-IIIa equipment) as is found on other so-called use the keyboard using the same keystrokes as Real controllers. And by the way, radarscopes are round, not square. Most other simulations available for the PC present their software using the entire screen, instead of simulating the actual look and feel of the real equipment. We strive to keep the simulation as true-to-life as possible, allowing for you to experience what real controllers experience on a daily basis. So don't be fooled by cheap inaccurate imitations. CONTROLLING TRAFFIC ATCsimulator®2 provides many methods to allow the safe and expeditious flow of air traffic.
There are rules governing separation laterally and vertically. You can issue climb and descents, turns, speed changes, holding instructions, visual and instrument approach clearances. You have every command you need to accomplish your task, but HOW you use those commands is entirely up to you. It's not what you know, it's how well you USE what you know. LIVE TRAFFIC with FLIGHT EXPLORER® Once of the most unique features with ATCsimulator®2 is the ability to control LIVE TRAFFIC!!
That's right, using Flight Explorer® in conjunction with ATCsimulator®2, you will truely experience what its like to work at some of the busiest approach control facilities in the world. This feature alone sets ATCsimulator®2 apart from any other air traffic simulation. By running Flight Explorer® in the background, and then starting ATCsimulator®2, you can choose to have the LIVE TRAFFIC!! Fed straight to the simulator, providing you with the most realistic, heart-pounding experience!
Click here for more information about Flight Explorer® and any special offer for ATCsimulator®2 customers. CAREER ADVANCEMENT One of your primary goals is to achieve a higher pay based on your job performance. In the real world, controllers are expected to do a good job.
Failing to do that can sometimes result in deadly consequences. That's why air traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations in the world, and highly respected. So, the scoring mechanism is such that you begin with 100 points. Your goal is to maintain that and not lose points.