Download ItazurA Full Eng Version Pc Game

Ichazura - Itazura Gokuaku Fandisc is a romance simulation games can do ala Japan. So we had to make our women become aroused and climax to add points. Itazura is that the 'main' game wherever the most character essentially gets in remission and goes to jail for being defendant as a chikan/train wrongdoer. He gets out and decides to require revenge by being one. Ichazura is that the 'fan disk' and covers what happens once the 'good' ending wherever he offers up being a Chikan and therefore the ladies have just about 'fallen' for him. As for a way they play it's much a similar except clearly the primary one deals additional with molesting and so 'breaking' the women as critical all the scenes in Ichazura being accordant.
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