Execute Batch File After Tfs Builddetail

I have a batchfile ( see code below ). Because the tf command must be executed in the Visual Studio command prompt. I call the visual studio command. But then the batch file stops executing. Somebody have an idea? REM @echo off REM. Change the path below.
How to run executable file after TFS Build. Ask Question. Up vote 0 down vote favorite. How to fail a executed TFS build when an invoked batch script fails? Execute Batch File After Tfs Build Number. After this we’ll be able to run batch file on build server using TFS build and see. Finally we can execute our batch!
This is the path where the code will be downloaded! REM Z: REM cd Backup_TFS_Preview call%comspec% /k 'C: Program Files (x86) Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0 VC vcvarsall.bat' x86 REM. Navigate to folder Z: cd Backup_TFS_Preview REM. Win7 Activator Loader Slic How To Use. Makes folder with date today mkdir%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% REM.
Navigate to folder cd%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% REM. Add workspace for the folder with date of today tf workspace /new%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% /noprompt REM. Get all items from TFS tf get /recursive /all /noprompt REM. Navigate to folder cd. Zip the folder C: TFS_Backup_Scripts 7z.exe a%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4%.zip%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% REM. Remove folder rmdir%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% /s /q REM. Delete workspace tf workspace /delete%Date:~-10,2%-%Date:~-7,2%-%Date:~-4,4% /noprompt REM.