Ford Ids Software License Cost
Ford IDS requires a software license with a $849 annual renewal. The subscription licenses one PC, scan tool software and programming subscription. The tool will timeout if it is not able to connect to the license server at least once in 29 days, if required software updates are not performed or at the end of the 365 day subscription. An IDS software license is required to use IDS scantool software with a VCM (Motorcraft) or VCM-II (Rotunda) When a user purchases an IDS Software License.
Download Software Penjualan Tiket Garuda. An IDS software license is required to use IDS scantool software with a or When a user purchases an IDS Software License, they will receive a 20-digit licensing activation key. The will need to activate IDS using the “Activate a License” feature within the IDS application. Upon activation, the key is bound (linked) to the PC on which it is entered within IDS.
IDS users can release the to the PC or transfer the licensing key to another PC using the “Return a License” feature in IDS. Since the IDS Software License binds to the PC and not the diagnostic hardware, a single IDS software license will work with both the VCM and VCM-II on one PC at a time. Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free.
Each PC running IDS scan tool software will require it’s own license or the transfer of a license, since each license binds to the PC. The IDS application must communicate with the License Server on a regular basis to validate the license. A validation automatically occurs at each start-up when IDS is connected to the internet.
When IDS is not connected to the internet a validation cannot occur. Therefore, any PC with IDS needs to be connected to the internet at least every 29 days. Failure to validate every 30 days will cause the license to become invalid and disable functionality within IDS. IDS Software licenses expire in 365 days. Users can renew licenses within 30 days of the expiration date by returning to their account and providing payment for the renewal.