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If GraphEdit asks for an input file when the filter is first inserted, then the filter supports IFileSourceFilter because GraphEdit uses QueryInterface() in the following order to discover the filter capabilities and acts accordingly: 1. IReferenceClock =>sets the clock 2. IFileSourceFilter =>input file dialog 3. IFileSinkFilter2 =>output file dialog and stop here 4. 'Alessandro Angeli' schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:uYJb6jxMCHA.2524@tkmsftngp10. >If GraphEdit asks for an input file when the filter is first inserted, then >the filter supports IFileSourceFilter because GraphEdit uses >QueryInterface() in the following order to discover the filter capabilities >and acts accordingly: >>1. IReferenceClock =>sets the clock >2.
IFileSourceFilter =>input file dialog >3. Scanmaster Elm Crack Keygen Game. IFileSinkFilter2 =>output file dialog and stop here >4. IFileSinkFilter =>output file dialog Oleview shows quite a number of interfaces supported by the object.
Alessandro Angeli 24.07.02 10:23. 'Fame Rate Converter'. IAMovieSetup is there for filter registration purposes. The others are the minimum interfaces a filter has to support but for IPersistStream and ISpecifyPropertyPages, which are optional and exposed to help the host application manage the filter properties and state. IPersistStream is used to save/load the state of the filter to/from a COM storage stream and ISpecifyPropertyPages is used to display a dialog for the human user (but see my answer in thread 'how to set 'MPEG Audio Decoder' properties' started on. 'Generate Still Video'. Same has before, but this one has no custom property dialog.
Instead it supports IFileSourceFilter so that the host knows the filter reads data from a local or network resource and can set the resource URL. 'Johnny Juice' wrote in message news:eR9H4MyMCHA.2432@tkmsftngp12.