Molecular Operating Environment Installation Services

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MOE™: Molecular Operating Environment: System Requirements. MOE runs on a wide variety of operating systems and computers including multi-processor clusters. collects software information directly from original developers using software submission form. Sometimes it can happen that software data are not complete or are outdated. You should confirm all information before relying on it.

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Operating Environment ArmyOperating Environment Examples

System Requirements MOE runs on a wide variety of operating systems and computers including multi-processor clusters, high-performance scientific workstations, and laptops. MOE can run either interactively or in batch mode. In either mode, the built-in MOE/smp capability permits execution to be distributed across multiple processors and/or computers even in a heterogeneous computing environment. The following lists the supported operating systems and hardware requirements for MOE. For any systems or devices not listed below, please contact () to confirm compatibility. System Capacity • Minimum free hard disk space: 10 GB • Minimum required system memory: 2 GB Operating Systems • Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 • Linux with GNU C Library (glibc) 2.5 or above - Minimum versions: RHEL 5, SLES 11, Ubuntu 10.04 or equivalent • Mac OS X / macOS 10.6 - 10.12 Graphic Cards • The majority of recent graphic cards (launched within the last 5 years) that support hardware-accelerated OpenGL. * AMD Radeon HD 4000 and older series with Windows 8/8.1 are not supported.

Optional 3D Stereo Hardware • Stereographics - Crystal Eyes 3 • Stereographics - Crystal Eyes Workstation • VRex - VR Visualizer Shutter Glasses • VRex - μPol™ laptop 3D • Autostereo Monitors • Anaglyph glasses (red-cyan or green-magenta) • Nvidia 3D vision pro shutter glasses * Best stereo results are achieved with 'OpenGL quad-buffered stereo'. The Interactive Stereo Library (ISL) is required to use autostereo monitors and must be licensed separately from SGI Japan. Database Compatibility • IBM DB2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MySQL * Via JDBC (requires Java 1.5 or higher).