Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards Productivity
Jan 03, 2018 There is the free VALJCL tool and i saw the link for the REXX code on the. /* STANDARD OF JCL CODING FOLLOWED AT. Vmware Remote Console 2.5 Download. SAY ' REXX TOOL TO CHECK JCL SYNTAX & CODING. Cobol Coding Standards Tool in rexx. Right now i need a tool to check the COBOL and PL/I coding standards. Intro to DB2 UDB Programming using REXX 2. DB2 Universal Database supplies numerous application development tools to. Issue ADDRESS DSNREXX and check. Mainframe Resume New Jersey, NJ. Purpose of the Tool; To check whetherthe. Tools; Books; Rexx Getting Started. Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards And Guidelines. REXX tool to check JCL. I prepared one for my shop. There are various Standard & Guidelines related errors. Rexx Tool To Check Coding Standards And Guidelines. REXX tool to check JCL. I prepared one for my shop. There are various Standard & Guidelines related errors.
DbzTHEdinosauer Global Moderator Joined: 20 Oct 2006 Location: porcelain throne Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 6:51 pm Post subject: depends on: • invoke during edit/view mode• invoke as a batch job• make corrections• just generate an error list• insert error messages my experience with writing such tools is that i found writing it in COBOL or ASSEMBLER was easier, due to the probable required addition of additional checks. Also, what happens to the source after the check. I found that the only way to enforce programming standards was to introduce the 'check program' in the standard compile jcl and if deviations to the standards were found, insert error messages in the source file (without comment notation), before the compile step, so that the source could not be compiled. Without the ability to enforce standards, a second best method would be to write several REXX edit macros each having a specific job • would create the indentation required• flag unordered section/para names• flag improper Performs (not allow the thru option• flag goto's that were not to a para/section exit - eliminate potential permanent loops• flag IF's and EVALUATE's that exceeded 3-levels of nesting• modify code lines to insure only one verb and one reference per line - this helps with missing OF/IN's• program-id/pds member name mismatch good 3rd party standards checkers cost quite a bit. So, decide • what your standards are going to be• if you are really going to enforce standards• how you are going to enforce the standards my suggestion is a lot of REXX edit macros, each performing a single task, all CALLed from a Control EDIT Macro or write it in COBOL or ASSEMBLE or PL1, so that the program is easier to maintain.