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The McCann's, pictured, have even hired private investigators over the years in their search for their daughter But the Portuguese police, who have previously accused the British of acting like a 'colonial power' in their country, say there is no evidence to back this up. Carlos Anjos, the former head of the country's Policia Judiciaria officers' union, said the Metropolitan Police's theory that Madeleine was taken in a botched burglary is 'absurd'. Parents Gerry and Kate led prayer services in May to mark the 10 year anniversary of her disappearance and said they had not given up hope and would 'overcome despair'. Writing a message on the Find Madeleine website, Mrs McCann told how 'stressful and painful' the 'unwanted' occasion was. Forza Motorsport 4 Registration Code.
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Police, pictured searching for Madeleine in 2014, have been criticised for not making enough visits to Portugal to investigate She wrote: 'We never thought we'd be in this situation so far along the line. 'Ten years- there's no easy way to say it, describe it, accept it. 'But the two themes that seem most appropriate to me as we reach this ten-year mark are perseverance and gratitude: We will go on, try our hardest, never give up and make the best of the life we have.' Madeleine was discovered missing from her bed in the rented apartment by her horrified mother shortly after 10pm on May 3 2007. She had been left alone with younger twin siblings Sean and Amelie while her parents were dining in the nearby Tapas restaurant with their seven pals, who became known collectively as the Tapas Nine.