Ovation Applause Serial Numbers

Re: applause aa14-4 value Posted by pokey on Fri, - 01:45. Audio Crackles On Playback there. My Applause AA14 (SN 101729) was purchased in 1980 for about $280. Takken 7 Weebly. Com. 00, but to me it is priceless. The Ovation website lists all serial numbers and their corresponding dates of manufacture with three-digit serial numbers ranging from 1966 to 1973 and six-digit serial numbers occurring from 1972 to 2013. Balladeer winged bridge: C-225: Oregon Traveler: 1111 -4: Balladeer winged bridge: C-528: earthy: 1111 -4: Balladeer winged bridge: C-585: Bill Lavender: 1111 -1: Balladeer sunburst: C-865: Scott W. Englund: 1111 -4: Balladeer: G-100: Kelly H. 1111 -1: Balladeer sunburst: G-129: Keith Poulter: 1111 -4: Balladeer: G-171: Omichinski.
YEAR MADE 000 1972 (May-Dec) 000 1974 000 1975 000 1976 000 1977 (Jan-Sept) 100 1977 (Sept)-1978 (Apr) 100 1978 (Apr-Dec) 100 1979 233 1980 233 1981 256 1982 269 1983 319 1984 Elites Only 387 1984 Balladeers Only 300 1985-1986 399 1987 306 1988 300 1989 400 1990 480 1990 476 1991 400 1991 400 1992 410 1992 469 1993 400 1994 470 1995 589 1996 568 1997 526 1998 590 1999 579 2000 578 2001 583 2002 554 2003 519 2004 550 2005 666 2006 694 2007 663 2008 609 2009 681 2010 647 2011 619 2012 639 2013 ADAMAS SERIES Series starts with 0077 in September 1977. ADAMAS SERIES (Number range) YEAR MADE 0077-0099 1977 0100-0608 1978 0609-1058 1979 1059-1670 1980 1671-2668 1981 2669-3242 1982 3243-3859 1983 3860-4109 1984 4110-4251 1985 4252-4283 1986 4284-4427 1987 4428-4696 1988 4697-4974 1989 4975-5541 1990 5542-6278 1991 6279-7088 1992 7089-8159 1993 8160-9778 1994 9779- 8 1996 0 1997 3 1998 6 1999 3 2000 1 2001 0 2002 2 2003 5 2004 4 2005 1 2006 2 2007 8 2008 5 2009 2 2010 1 2011 3 2012 5 2013.