Using Paypal For Downloadable Products

Our flat monthly subscription fee covers your full use of E-junkie to sell digital downloads online. Start selling your products with E-junkie. PayPal Standard. Sell your digital products online including digital downloads, software, ebooks & more in your mobile app with PayPal merchant services. Find pricing here. The guide explains how you can quickly and easily sell digital products like PDF ebooks, music, website themes, etc. Through Google Drive, PayPal and Gmail.
After researching for weeks and selecting the top 10 solutions, we've tested them in the last 5 days and here are our findings: We believe that (EDD) continues to be the best tool for people interested in selling digital goods online. This is followed closely by SendOwl and Gumroad, both of which stand strong for selling products online, particularly in the digital goods sector. Blogs and online stores often require the functionality to sell digital goods online. This demands an entirely different software that's simpler and accommodating for sending links to customers with the digital content downloads. Stronghold Crusader Full Game No Demo there.
Compared to physical products, these digital items aren't tangible in nature; therefore, you'll host them on your site and then notify the customer with some sort of file. • Advanced reporting – Reporting has its own tab under the Digital Downloads area of WordPress.
I've come to appreciate these simplistic reports, with the main area focusing on earning for a certain time period. All the essentials are included with the reports, such as exporting data, monitoring downloads, tax tracking and some filters for making your own reports based on specific products.